Mesh Mashup: Selection and Refinement

Mesh Mashup: Selection and Refinement

(January 27, 2020)

The Mashup that I chose for this project is the Toilet Sharpener. It is a toilet that has a sharpener in the space of the toilet bowl. This mashup was due to my hatred for pencil sharpeners that don't come with anything to collect the shavings. The main idea behind it was creating the most unconventional lid for a sharpener that has nothing to collect the pencil shavings.

These are the original objects from TurboSquid and Thingiverse that I chose to mesh with each other.

Here is my Tinkercad model of the mesh.

And this is the refined model of the Toilet Sharpener.

I experienced a problem with MeshMixer where my mashup got really wonky all over after combining the two objects and using 'Make Solid' on it. So I spent a lot of time using the sculpt refine tool to fix the rough edges and make the sharpener integrate better into the toilet. If you don't look at the design close enough there aren't any major changes between the Tinkercad model and the MeshMixer model. But in the MeshMixer model, I removed the sharpener's edges that used to stick out at the back of the toilet. The Tinkercad model also didn't have a properly sized cylinder cut out of it so I had to import the original models and mesh them together again to make sure that the inside of the sharpener can be seen from the front.

The feedback I got from the in-class speed dating activity was that people generally liked the sharp monarch, where lots of people gave suggestions such as adding gems in the scissors handles or making it so that the crown can cut hair. I originally wanted to do the ultimate shower so I asked for a lot of feedback some of which was to put a showerhead right in the center of the fan, putting the water spinning around or making it so some of the showerheads dispensed other liquids aside from water like cola. So among those two, I decided to attempt the sharp monarch and it didn't come out as I wanted so I decided to scrap that idea and try a different one. A couple of people really liked the toilet sharpener idea and I eventually came to like it more too so after the first scrapped idea I chose to do the toilet sharpener instead of sticking with the ultimate shower. 

The toilet sharpener relates to remix culture through the use of juxtaposition and mashup. The scale of both a sharpener and a toilet are complete opposites so the viewer doesn't actually know the real size of the item as it can be the size of a toilet or a pencil sharpener. The mashup of a toilet and a sharpener is rather unusual but by combining these two every day objects it allows people to stop and think about how out of the ordinary it is and I want to create pieces that provoke thought instead of one that looks more visually appealing to create even more confusion for the viewer. 


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