
Showing posts from March, 2020

Papercraft Final

Papercraft Object: Final Revision March 19, 2020 After speaking with Bryan I realized that I didn't actually need to make my actual fan completely three dimensional and that I could just place multiple pieces over each other so with that I started making an even more complicated template.  Bryan gave an extremely useful suggestion of making the actual fan inside a pinwheel so that it can actually spin which is something that a lot of people suggested adding to the final and so I chose to do that and got to work on the actual templates.  Here are the paper templates I made on Rhino, If we had to cut this out this by hand I would've most likely given up but the laser cutter is an actual lifesaver.  Here are some renders of what the final piece would look like, For the final piece, I wanted the fan to be able to actually stand, so I added coins in the bottom of the handle to be able to support the actual fan and I also included the st

Papercraft Object: Phase 1 Prototype

Papercraft Object Prototype (March 2, 2020) For this week we had to create a prototype for our papercraft object, so in order to challenge myself with such an unnecessary amount of detail, I chose to create a handheld fan. (I don't know why I chose to do this to myself but I still managed to barely pull through) The first day this week's project was announced I instantly got to work and managed to finish my templates for all the parts of my fan and by the following day, I printed everything. The amount of stress I went through just to make the prototype properly go together was more than I initially expected, but since I already printed all of the templates I had to commit. Here is a picture of the chaos that occurred while cutting and putting everything together. While assembling the fan, I realized that some parts were far too thin, so I made the choice of removing a few components and adding ones that were necessary to make the different parts fit each