Papercraft Object: Phase 1 Prototype

Papercraft Object Prototype
(March 2, 2020)

For this week we had to create a prototype for our papercraft object, so in order to challenge myself with such an unnecessary amount of detail, I chose to create a handheld fan. (I don't know why I chose to do this to myself but I still managed to barely pull through)

The first day this week's project was announced I instantly got to work and managed to finish my templates for all the parts of my fan and by the following day, I printed everything. The amount of stress I went through just to make the prototype properly go together was more than I initially expected, but since I already printed all of the templates I had to commit.

Here is a picture of the chaos that occurred while cutting and putting everything together.

While assembling the fan, I realized that some parts were far too thin, so I made the choice of removing a few components and adding ones that were necessary to make the different parts fit each other.

Here is an image of the scale of the fan in proportion to the actual fan I took while still cutting out the different parts.

Here are some shots of the final product which I'm not exactly proud of but ended up better than I thought while I had a mental breakdown trying to fold the entire thing.

And this is the final product right beside the actual object.

For the actual final papercraft object, I think I would need to make the design simpler but for a prototype, I think I did the best I could at the time and learned a lot from the experience.


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