Reversed Engineered Object: Selection

 Reversed Engineered Object: Selection

October 12, 2020

The Reverse Engineered Object project is where we choose a mechanical object that is dissectable, then we must measure all of the different parts used to make up the assembly using a digital caliper. There must be no weapons of any kind and the object must be complex enough to complete in three weeks.

Hole Puncher: I chose this hole puncher because of all the small details on the handle and the smaller amount parts compared to the others. I felt like this object would be the most challenging among the three listed here mainly due to the complexity of certain parts.


Mini Phone Tripod: I chose this mini tripod because it contains lots of components with interacting and moving parts. It is also small enough to be measured with the digital caliper easily. I felt like this would be a pretty interesting object to reverse engineer.

I honestly couldn't be bothered to have every single small detail dimensioned at this stage, so I just did as much as I could fit in those different views.

Mini Eyeshadow Palette: This eyeshadow palette is rather small and compact. There are around seven different parts to make the palette. I chose this as an object because I felt like even though it may be rather simple looking, there are a lot of small details that actually make the entire assembly work.

From these three objects, I would say that I am most likely to end up choosing the first object which is the Hole Puncher.

(Doing the proper dimensions and technical drawings of just one part of each of the three objects genuinely gave me war flashbacks to my high school days. Making the drawings on Inventor was much easier than making them by hand.)


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