What Have I Done?

Hi! To get started on my brainstorming I did a lot of research and while doing that research I realized I had absolutely no idea on what to make. So I thought to myself, what is the most obscure furniture piece that I can think of right now. And the answer is... A rocking chair.

I started looking into them more and how I can make it somewhat parametric but everything I searched online was just not the style I wanted to create, I started on a piece that looked more modern but I felt like it was far too simple for my liking.

All I could think about was my grandfather's rocking chair back in the Philippines. So I began looking into Filipino-style rocking chairs and found really nice examples that I could work off of.

I really liked the weaving on these rocking chairs and decided I wanted to implement them into the design I was going to create. But I felt as if this entire project was missing another element, so I remembered Glasgow-style furniture and the extremely long chairs. I started looking more into designers who created the style I was looking for and found Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

Here are some of his works:

After gathering all of this information I then set off to create a design I liked. And it was at this point that I realized I really am setting myself up for a huge challenge.

I decided to start designing each individual piece first

Then I put it all together in four different views so I could easily grasp what I wanted it to look like.

As for the materials, for sure it would probably be made with wood. But for the fabrication process... I'm not quite sure I think I got a little over my head while I was designing this. For the scale, I want to make the back piece of this rocking chair obnoxiously large, and the rest of the rocking chair an average size but I have no specific dimensions as of yet.

I honestly have no idea how I'm meant to put this into grasshopper as of now but I created the basic shape of the rocking chair using rhino.


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