Mesh Mashup

A Collection of Unsettling Combinations
(Mesh Mashup)
January 18, 2020

My basic understanding of remix culture (based on what we learned in class) is the use of old subjects and creating something new or similar. After learning more about mashup, I decided to make that a theme throughout the ten concepts experimenting with weird combinations to provoke thought on how we view everyday objects

Here are my ten concepts:

1) Crisp Apple Lotion

I specifically chose an apple because there wasn't such a large variety of free fruits (on TurboSquid) that fit the shape I was going for. The pump for the lotion used in this object matched the one I have at home so I thought it was perfect to use in this mesh mashup. The concept for this mashup is by putting literal meaning into using 'natural' and 'organic' ingredients in a household product.

2) The Ultimate Shower

I chose a ceiling fan with three blades because it looked neater than having more blades. The showerhead that I managed to find was flat which perfectly matched with the ceiling fan blades. This is personally my favourite concept out of the ten presented here because it seems like a rather dumb but innovative design. My concept was to mix two unrelated items found in people's homes and create a ridiculous concoction that might actually work. 

3) Cactus Tree

I chose to use a cactus to be seen as some sort of candle because when you think about them, you associate it with hot and dry places. The fancy candelabra is somewhat a play on words with the name for this mashup because sometimes a candelabra can also be called a candle tree. Combining these two things basically gives meaning to the name 'Cactus Tree'.

4) Toilet Sharpener

The concept behind this creation is my hatred for sharpeners that have no lids, so I created one with a lid. I found a toilet that had an open lid so that the pencil sharpener can be seen within the bowl.

5) Timeless Construct

I originally chose this turtle because I thought that the turtle would look nice holding the alarm clock in between its legs, but after trying that it just didn't look right to me so I chose to have the turtle face down instead. I chose the alarm clock because it looked like the type I was looking for because I didn't want a digital alarm clock. My concept for this mashup is how time always seems to go so slow but eventually catches up to you when you least expect it.

6) Hat's off to Shoe

I wanted a baseball cap model and this was the closest thing I found on Turbosquid so I chose to work with it. I chose to use a shoe sole instead of an actual shoe because it seemed the most suitable for a hat; I made sure the sole of the shoe faced upwards so that it was more recognizable. The concept behind this mashup is the use of two unrelated pieces of clothing to create something that feels somewhat surreal.

7) Unheard Spotlights

The concept for this piece is making it so instead of having the listener immerse themselves into their music, they would end up having the flashlights turn on every time the music started. I chose a flashlight that had a top which was a cylinder to match the shape of the headphones. The headphones I chose were as similar to headphones that people have used. 

8) Frosted DuctO's 

The concept for this mashup is using something that is the same ring shape as most cereals and placing it in a bowl of milk. I used a duct tape model as the cereal and found a cute and shallow bowl to place the objects in. 

9) Glue Tinged Lipstick

My concept for this was to use some sort of object that also uses the same twisting mechanic as most lipstick products, so as an art student the first thing that came to mind was a glue stick. I used a gluestick model and gave it the signature yellow colour associated with the brand so it was something recognizable at first glance. The lipstick model I chose and the red shade is the most iconic and prevalent shape and colour in the beauty industry.

10) Sharp Monarch

I was originally going to use scissors that were open but I couldn't find a model like that so I chose to settle for closed ones and I think they actually turned out better than my original idea. The crown I chose for this was originally an extremely detailed model and I tried to fix it using Rhino but it lost too much detail and I ended up choosing this crown model instead. It was actually a good choice to change it to this model because it matches with the scissors better. My concept for this was to show how art now has ultimately lasted longer than most monarchs in the world.


  1. "Sharp Monarch" This scissor crown is gorgeous, I like the write up about it as well.


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