Papercraft Research

Papercraft Research
(Feb 5, 2020)

The article that inspired me the most out of the fifteen choices was about the papercraft duo Zim & Zoe (Lucie Thomas and Thibault Zimmermann) and their installation of a miniature papercraft village for Hermès in Dubai titled Forest Folk. (

Here are images of the full project

These are details from a handful of my personal favourite buildings 

From how I interpret the piece, I would assume that there may be a sense of satire behind the piece as these subjects that come from nature are industrialized and made into buildings for mini imaginary creatures. Most artists that I have seen before often use a sense of satire in their work in regards to topics that they wish to spread more light on, and from first glance the topic that first comes to mind for me is industrialization and how nature is being affected by all these modern subjects.

Based on what I read up on in Zim & Zoe's website (, the concept behind the project was to actually connect nature to living objects with the use of imaginary creatures and their everyday lives. The process behind the pieces appeared as if they chose to first sketch out the buildings, cut out the small individual parts and then assemble the building piece by piece. In the figure on the left there is an illustrated version of the piece with adjustments for each individual part beneath the main body of the building while the other parts of it are set apart from one another alongside the main body before the full assembly. The figure in the right shows the assembly of a part from a larger building, in the picture you can also see the small details that were cut up before being placed on the final product.

The reason I chose to review Zim & Zoe's Forest Folk is because of my interest/background in architecture as well as the bright and lively colour palette used in the project. I found it inspiring how they can create an imaginary building on paper and actually execute it in the 3D. I was actually choosing between Forest Folk and Meticulously Handcrafted Paper Objects by Zim & Zou, for the article because I love the large amount of detail in the pieces and the way Zim & Zoe make everything look so neat and proper. Their colour palette also looks very visually appealing and I often find myself drawn to that type of colour scheme in artworks.


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