Reversed Engineered Object: Progress II

 Reversed Engineered Object: Project II

October 24, 2020

This week I finally managed to pull apart my entire object so I was finally able to get a close look at every small little detail without worrying about any small dimensions I couldn't get.

This week I chose to do the second most challenging piece which is this contraption.

And I also recreated the metal cylinder that holds everything together after realizing that it's actually two separate parts (ignore the tape I just used that so I can put it back together after finishing the project)

Here's the progress on Rhino

Part one is this top piece for the contraption shown above

Part two is the actual hole puncher itself

This is those first two parts put together

Part three is the bottom piece of the contraption

Here it is placed correctly with the other two parts

The last part of this piece was the spiral

And this is my final completed part

The next piece I worked on was really quick and easy

And here are all the parts that have been finished so far


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