Outsourced Wearable Object: Concept Selection and Proof Sheet

 Outsourced Wearable Object: Concept Selection and Proof Sheet

Nov 14, 2020

Based on the feedback I got from people during the speed dating exercise I was told to merge 11 and 21, look into silver etching and maybe even create multiple different versions of 21 for all five fingers. The three different concepts I chose to go forward with were 15, 19, and 21. Although the feedback wanted lots of people to merge 21 and 11 I wasn't sure exactly how to start off making them in rhino, so I chose to start off with some concepts I can try to experiment with first.

Here is my proof sheet:

I forgot to document my process but most of it was just pure experimentation at this point and a lot of headaches.

Here is my first concept:

Here is my second concept:

I struggled a lot with this concept, it just wouldn't flow the way I wanted it to, so to get as similar to what I intended it to look like I had to manually move the flow after it was completed. I also tried to make somewhat of a grid here but it just wasn't working out when I tried to flow it along the surface so I gave up on that and chose to leave it for the actual final.

And here is my last concept

I think I will most likely stick to my favourite concept which is 21 (my second concept here), and if I can find the time to make five different versions I'll try and do so for the final. These are all overly simplified, I would probably have a lot of work ahead of myself for the final outcome.


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