Week 2

Our team has decided to split off into different subgroups for each individual part we have been assigned to work on, and I have been assigned to the design team for the chair component. Our team decided to split off into our own ways and create a design that we feel will work with the overall basic design the desk team had. And so I have created two different designs for the group to go over for our chair designs and rendered them so others in the team can see the type of style I was planning on going for.

Option 1: Wood + Acrylic Storage Bench/Chair

The main concept behind this one is a more modern furniture take on something similar to a toy box, I got some inspiration from Daniela's designs she shared last week with the bright beautiful colours so I created a design for the chair to add more of a flair to a more modern chair design. The top of the acrylic the person is sitting on should be able to open from a latch connected to the back piece so the student using it can place their jackets inside. I also wanted the acrylic to be somewhat transparent so it gives off a more interesting concept to the chair.

Option 2: Sofa-like Bench/Chair

The concept behind this design is those long fancy lounge chairs that also incorporate fabric and cushions onto the design. Similar to the previous design the seat the person is sitting on should also be able to be opened from a latch connected to the back piece. The front of the chair is sloped inwards for the storage compartment underneath in order to give students room to cross their legs if they desired. 

Here are the two of them side by side for comparison:

I haven't fully made this entire design with all the correct dimensions for each piece but I just wanted to be able to get my concepts across to the others in the group in a way that is easier to understand as we are more visual people. If either one of these designs gets chosen then I would have to make sure every piece is correct and will actually fit well together when it is being built. my only concern is the materials I suggest for this project, as I know that acrylic is rather expensive and if we were to incorporate fabric into our piece then it would require more manual work when we build it which I'm not sure we will be able to complete given the amount of time left in this semester.

But overall I would say I'm pretty satisfied with these designs it's just a matter of what everyone else in the group ends up choosing to go forward with.


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