
Showing posts from January, 2020

Mesh Mashup: HD Renders

Mesh Mashup: HD Renders (January 29, 2020) The Toilet Sharpener

Mesh Mashup: Selection and Refinement

Mesh Mashup: Selection and Refinement (January 27, 2020) The Mashup that I chose for this project is the Toilet Sharpener. It is a toilet that has a sharpener in the space of the toilet bowl. This mashup was due to my hatred for pencil sharpeners that don't come with anything to collect the shavings. The main idea behind it was creating the most unconventional lid for a sharpener that has nothing to collect the pencil shavings. These are the original objects from TurboSquid and Thingiverse that I chose to mesh with each other. Here is my Tinkercad model of the mesh. And this is the refined model of the Toilet Sharpener. I experienced a problem with MeshMixer where my mashup got really wonky all over after combining the two objects and using 'Make Solid' on it. So I spent a lot of time using the sculpt refine tool to fix the rough edges and make the sharpener integrate better into the toilet. If you don't look at the design cl

Mesh Mashup

A Collection of Unsettling Combinations (Mesh Mashup) January 18, 2020 My basic understanding of remix culture (based on what we learned in class) is the use of old subjects and creating something new or similar. After learning more about mashup, I decided to make that a theme throughout the ten concepts experimenting with weird combinations to provoke thought on how we view everyday objects Here are my ten concepts: 1) Crisp Apple Lotion I specifically chose an apple because there wasn't such a large variety of free fruits (on TurboSquid) that fit the shape I was going for. The pump for the lotion used in this object matched the one I have at home so I thought it was perfect to use in this mesh mashup. The concept for this mashup is by putting literal meaning into using 'natural' and 'organic' ingredients in a household product. (lid)

Objectified Response

Objectified Response January 14, 2020 After watching Gary Hustwit's Objectified , I decided to compile a list of designers and the quotes I found helpful in aiding my ideas for designing my object. Karim Rashid stated, "Imagine that if you design a million chairs to date or however many chairs have been done in the world, why on earth should we have an uncomfortable chair?" which led me to choose to create a sofa for my project. Another designer that helped me come up with ideas for my sofa is Naoto Fukasawa, he stated that "people don't think about the tools they're using while they're using them" which got me thinking about how I often mindlessly just sit down on the sofa I have at home. So I observed my family and their habits while leisurely sitting around in the living room in order to see the possible design problems within my own home. While observing my family I realized that occasionally some of them slept on the sofa, taking up t